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No. 1 Tea

People are often confused and we have heard people saying that only the aristocrat family can afford a good cup of tea or else “NUMBER ONE TEA”. Being a human with very less exposure to tea trade, it’s very common to comment like that. Let’s have a quick review on what actually is a good cup of tea. Truly, tea is treated as a refreshing drink and your refreshment depends on your mood. “Kadak Chai” which is mostly available on street vendors is popular among the customers who want a break in their daily schedule. The same tea is popular when a guest arrives at your door or when someone is busy on building creative factors. Herein the tea which is widely accepted is the black tea.

Similarly people who are health conscious prefer to include green tea in their daily diet. Such tea with highest medicinal value is mostly a choice of those customers who are well aware about the health benefits of tea. Now a days people also prefer white tea, Oolong tea in parallel to green tea.

In all of the above what matters is the choice or need of tea variant that varies as per customer’s circumstances at particular point of time. Next comes the pricing factor which is directly dependent on the cost of manufacturing process and the raw material as well. Depending on that, green tea will definitely be expensive from black tea.

Similarly in case of black tea manufacturing there comes various grades and while packaging, composition percentage of various grades is done as per the customer need of a particular territory. For example, a cup of black tea which is treated as a good cup of tea in south may not be popular at north or else we can say that customer preferring broken grade may not prefer the dust grade and vice versa. Now the cost of grades varies accordingly as per the sorting output from each quantity of tea leaves. On the other hand even in case of black tea also the manufacturing cost differs on whether tea is orthodox or CTC or organic etc.

Hence the “NUMBER ONE TEA” is actually that tea which we choose as per our need and before which we should actually have proper information on benefits of different grades and variants of tea. When you have a need, pricing is not limited to premium buyers only.

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